Beautiful and Inexpensive Medium Grey Granite - Cara Grey

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Beautiful and Inexpensive Medium Grey Granite - Cara Grey

Jun. 03, 2021

With the increase of China's environmental protection efforts, many excellent stone varieties gradually fade out of everyone's sight, and the G343 Lu Grey, Shandong Province is one of them. With the withdrawal of G343, substitutes have sprung up in other places, but prices have remained high, and there is a growing trend, making the market unbearable for a while. In this case, our company also timely launched this medium gray granite variety, and named it "Cara Grey" . The price of this kind of granite is also very low compared with other medium gray granite in China. Mine reserves are large, and procedures are complete, so the general project can be timely and quantity supply.

Cara grey has been exported to the United States, Canada, Australia, Europe's Spain, Lithuania, Germany and other countries


Beautiful and Inexpensive Medium Grey Granite - Cara Grey

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