Technological Process

Technological Process

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Technological Process


There are many types of stone, and the processing process is also different. Today we will take the most common marble and granite as examples to make a brief introduction.


Production process:

As the oldest building material, natural stone has strong plasticity. It can be made into various products, such as countertops, windowsills, tiles, mosaics, paving stones, curbstones, monuments, fireplaces, various sculptures and so on.

The processing process of natural stone products has something in common. Of course, each product has its own unique process. For example, the modeling of monuments should be considered, while ordinary plates do not. Our company has a professional production team, who can effectively grasp the process details of each product, keep improving and provide you with the most perfect products.

Let's take tiles as an example to see their common process:

Technological Process



After the products are produced, the next step is quality control. If this step is not well controlled, it is futile to do all the above links perfectly, and the products received by the guests will certainly be defective. Therefore, our company has always regarded the construction of quality control team as the top priority. 

Let's take the of tiles as an example to give you a preliminary understanding of our quality control work.

Technological Process


Packing and Shipping:

Any product can reach the final customer only through transportation, so the problem comes. How can it reach the customer safely and perfectly? Our answer is: strong packaging, safe and effective transportation. Strong packaging is the primary condition to ensure product safety, and effective and timely transportation can ensure the timely delivery of products. 

Different products adopt different packaging methods. We still take plate as an example:

Technological Process

With regard to transportation, we have worked closely with major shipping companies around the world to ensure the timeliness and safety of products.


I hope the above brief introduction can deepen your impression of our company.

We sincerely look forward to your cooperation and hope that we can work together to create a new era in the stone industry.

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    Ruben Sun: +86 159 6542 0030

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