Crazy Landscaping Stone Ideas

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Crazy Landscaping Stone Ideas

Location: Austin, USA

Main Material: Natural Blue Limestone 

Type: Limestone

Main Products: Crazy Landscaping Stone

Main Dimensions: Tiles: Diameter 100-500mm, Thickness 25-35mm; Corner: long side 150-250mm, short side 70-250mm, height100-250mm, Thickness 25-35mm.

Surface Finished: Natural weathering surface, bottom sawn.

Introduction: The life of modern people is fast-paced. In their spare time, people like to get close to nature and integrate into the natural environment. If we can move the natural environment to modern architecture, it must be a very good and popular idea. In order to accomplish this goal, the designer began to look for suitable building materials, and finally set his sights on Flagstones.Its natural weathering appearance of tens of thousands of years is the most ideal and natural material in the eyes of the formal designer.


This is a private residential project located in Austin, USA. This is a modern and simple Japanese-style building with a lot of Japanese elements. In order to better satisfy the owners' willingness to integrate into nature, Bluestone flagstone is used extensively. Let me appreciate the effect after completion:

Crazy Landscaping Stone Ideas

P.O. Box 36 is the owner's address and the gateway of the whole building, The walls decorated with flagstone are simple and natural. The stainless steel mailbox is embedded in the wall and perfectly integrates with the wall. Garage entrance, flagstone decorated walls with two simple Japanese lanterns. At the entrance to the back garden, the whole wall is decorated with flagstone, which sets off the environment of the back garden and brings the real nature home.


Crazy Landscaping Stone Ideas

Inadvertent embellishment.


Crazy Landscaping Stone Ideas

The outdoor barbecue oven is an ideal place for family and friends to have dinner. You can get close to nature at home.


Crazy Landscaping Stone Ideas

The products we provide for this project.

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    Ruben Sun: +86 159 6542 0030

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