China Gold Granite Karamay Gold Exterior Wall Case

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China Gold Granite Karamay Gold Exterior Wall Case

Location: China

Main Material: Karamay Gold Granite

Type: Granite

Main Products: Exterior wall cladding tiles and Stone Mouldings.

Main Dimensions: Cut to size, thickness 2.5cm.

Surface Finished: polished.

Introduction: This is a private villa of a famous entrepreneur in China. It is located in a valley with elegant, quiet environment and fresh air, suitable for leisure and relaxation.


The project will be completed in 2022, with a total floor area of about 2000m2. We have provided all exterior wall stones required for this project, including dry hanging tiles, various stone mouldings, windowsills, door frames, window frames, railings and handrails, wall coping stone, stairs etc.

China Gold Granite Karamay Gold Exterior Wall Case

China Gold Granite Karamay Gold Exterior Wall Case

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    Ruben Sun: +86 159 6542 0030

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